Attach to Process


To cause Azure to keep sending emails repeatedly for your Heath Check alerts, you need to uncheck the checkbox that says “Automatically Resolve Alerts”.

If you want to see what kind of error Axios throws, it is better to use console.log(error.toJSON()) than console.log(error). That's because the former option will list out all the properties from the error variable, while the latter option will only list out the error message itself.

Instead of adding todo comments, track it as a task so it doesn't get lost.

Source: TODO: Post an Article

Looking for a new way to do end-to-end testing on modern web apps? Check out Playwright. The tests are pretty easy to follow because it's basically a set of instructions written in code. So as you might have guessed, it's catered more to developers than non-technical folks.

I am going through the Pro ASP.NET Core 6 book. After trying to run the command libman install bootstrap@5.1.3 -d wwwroot/lib/bootstrap from page 72 (Chapter 4) of the book, I started getting the error listed below:

[LIB002]: The "bootstrap@5.1.3" library could not be resolved by the "cdnjs" provider

Turns out it was an issue with the library manager package that was installed. The fix is to install a newer one. More info can be found here:

Was looking for a way to add a list of objects to the appsettings.json file, then retrieve that list and turn them into something I can check against in a controller class. This answer works wonderfully.

React Hook Form — seems like a cool alternative form handler for React.

SQL to MongoDB Mapping Chart — good reference on how to write MongoDB queries based on expected SQL Server queries.

Reasons to blog if you're a software developer:

  • It helps you write better emails at work.
  • It helps you write better user stories and acceptance criteria.
  • It helps you communicate your ideas better.

If you're noticing a pattern there, it's all about being a better communicator. And you would want that, because that also helps you advance in your career.

Series: #DevNotes Tags: #Axios #ASPNetCore #Azure #Blogging #JavaScript #MongoDB #Playwright #React #SqlServer #Tests

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I thought I'd share the Custom CSS and JavaScript I use on this blog. The design is inspired by this Hugo Hello Friend theme I saw on


How to check if array contains a specific item

To check if an object or item is contained in a JavaScript array, you can use the includes function, like so:

const customerIds = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
console.log('IsIncludedInArray', customerIds.includes(3));

To do the same thing in C#, you can use the Contains or Any LINQ method, like so:

var customerIds = new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
Console.WriteLine("IsIncludedInArray " + customerIds.Contains(3));
Console.WriteLine("IsIncludedInArray " + customerIds.Any(n => n == 3));

How to filter out contents in an array

To filter out the contents of an array in JavaScript, you can use the filter function., like so:

const customerIds = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const filteredCustomerIds = customerIds.filter(n => n <= 3);
console.log('Filtered CustomerIds', filteredCustomerIds);

To do the same thing in C#, you can use the Where LINQ method.

var customerIds = new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
var filteredCustomerIds = customerIds.Where(n => n <= 3);

foreach (var n in filteredCustomerIds)

Tags: #JavaScript #CSharp #DotNet

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On my Above the Earth and Seas photo-blog, I was able to add a link to get a random post using just plain JavaScript.

The reason this works is because I decided to use numbers for all the post slugs/urls. That allows me to use simple Math functions in JavaScript to come up with a random number. Then I use that random number to construct a url to link to. It's pretty basic but it works.

Here is the Custom JavaScript that I added:

// This number matches the url of my latest post
const latestIndex = 36;

/* Get random post */
const a = document.querySelector('a[href$="/random"]');
if (a !== null) {
    const randomIndex = Math.floor((Math.random() * latestIndex) + 1);
    const pad = '000';
    const randomPostIndex = (pad + parseInt(randomIndex)).slice(-pad.length);
    const randomPostUrl = '' + randomPostIndex;
    a.setAttribute('href', randomPostUrl);
    a.setAttribute('title', 'Get a random post');

Tags: #JavaScript

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As part of learning React, I'm also trying to shore up my JavaScript skills. Thankfully, the React: Getting Started pluralsight course also offers a modern JavaScript crash course. These are my notes from when I tried to understand JavaScript's Destructuring feature.

Note that you can run the sample code on a JavaScript tester website, like say the JSComplete Playground.

So, the JavaScript destructuring assignment syntax allows you to get just the properties you want from an object. It seems to be like a shortcut for getting to the properties of an object. For example:

const customerInfo = {
	firstName: "Dino",
	lastName: "Bansigan",
	emailAddress: "",
	website: ""

const getFullName = ({firstName, lastName}) => {
	return firstName + " " + lastName;


In the code above, you can see how I have created a customerInfo object. Then next is a function called getFullName that takes a firstName and lastName parameter. These parameters are destructured from the customerInfo object.

If you look at the last bit of code where I call console.log, you can see that instead of passing in parameters customerInfo.firstName and customerInfo.lastName, all I had to do, was pass in the customerInfo object. JavaScript through the destructuring feature is smart enough to know to use the firstName and lastName properties from the customerInfo object.


I am using the Lanyon theme on my hosted photo-blog. I noticed that the Published Date was showing up on my about page. Here is how I managed to hide it using some JavaScript.

<script type="text/javascript">
var isAboutPage = /\/about\/$/i.test(window.location.href);
if (isAboutPage) {
  var x = document.getElementsByClassName("post-date");
  if (x) {

I added the script to the layouts/partials/default_foot.html file, just before the closing </body> tag.

This is a result of me playing around with Custom JavaScript on my sites. I was able to carry over what I learned here and use it to fix something on another website. One of the best benefits of maintaining a personal website, is brushing up on your HTML, CSS and JavaScript skills.

Tags: #JavaScript #MicroBlog

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My first attempt at learning the React JavaScript library was by reading the ASP.NET Core 3 and React book. I started reading that book a few months ago. I've gone through the first six chapters, which mostly covers how to build a web app front-end using React. While I did learn a lot reading those chapters, I was barely keeping up.

There's so many new concepts, new libraries, new methods, new syntax to learn. It felt overwhelming at times. It didn't help that I kept getting distracted at the JSX syntax — which looked insane to me at times.

I found myself simply typing what was in the book. But I actually couldn't tell you why the code worked. I was honestly struggling to keep up. But more importantly, I was confused and frustrated at it all. Why would you even want to go through all this trouble of writing a React app? I didn't get it. And consequently, I wasn't too excited to learn more. But I had to.


There are two ways that I know of to customize the footer on a website. The first one is through CSS and the second one is through JavaScript. I'll go through those two options in this post.

Option 1: CSS

I got this idea of customizing the footer via CSS after looking at Robert Xu's powered site. It puzzled me that I could not highlight the text in the footer. After viewing the page source, I finally figured out that it was CSS trickery.

So, anyway here we are. To customize the footer using CSS, all you need to do is modify the following CSS script, then add it to the Custom CSS settings for your website.

footer nav::before {
    content: "Copyright © 2020 - 2021 by Your Name \A";
    white-space: pre-wrap;

A WriteFreely user recently got in touch with me, asking if I could modify the Archive Page Generator app, to make it work with WriteFreely instances. I spent some time with it last week and I ran into a snag. I'm getting this TypeError: Failed to fetch JavaScript error whenever it tries to fetch data from the WriteFreely instance I'm testing.

When I try getting posts from a blog using a Blazor WASM app, it works. When I try getting posts from a WriteFreely instance blog, using the Blazor WASM app, it won't work. But when I try getting posts from a WriteFreely instance blog, using a .NET Core console app that uses the WriteAs.NET library I wrote, the same library that the Blazor WASM app uses, it works. Something weird is going on.

My research into the issue indicates a possible limitation with WebAssembly apps. There must be some security setting on the WriteFreely instance I'm testing, that's blocking my Blazor WASM requests. The API is obviously not blocking my requests, so something is going on with that WriteFreely instance.

I dug into it some more and found that it is a CORS related issue. But at this point, there's nothing else I could on my end to fix it. I created a thread on to talk about it.

Tags: #Blazor #JavaScript #WebAssembly

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I purchased a new domain, for my Now Listening to... music blog. Prior to buying the new domain name, I didn't realize how big of a pain it was going to be to set up redirection. Turns out, you can't setup a 301 redirect using just DNS records. It has to be done on a web server level, or via your domain registrar. My issue is that I can't use my domain registrar for redirects, because I use Netlify to manage the DNS records for my domains. And from what I can see, Netlify doesn't have a menu option for redirecting from one domain to another.

So, I ended up doing a redirect via HTML and JavaScript, by hosting a static site on Netlify. This static site's purpose is to simply redirect from to It is not ideal, but this will do for now until I figure out a better solution. Thanks to this answer on StackOverflow for the idea.

Tags: #CustomDomain #DomainRedirect #HTML #JavaScript

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