Attach to Process


One of the best additions to SQL Server 2016 is native support for JSON. There a number of articles already covering how to query JSON in SQL Server, so I won't cover those. What particularly gives me headaches though is querying a JSON Array in SQL Server. Hopefully the scripts below can help someone else.

The SELECT script below can be used when you are working with a very basic JSON array that doesn't even have a Property for the array. In this example, we have an array of OrderIds.

DECLARE @OrderIdsAsJSON VARCHAR(MAX) = '["1", "2", "3"]';

SELECT [value] AS OrderId
       [value] BIGINT '$'

The second SELECT script below can be used when you are working with a JSON array that does have a Property defined for the array. In this example, we have an array of OrderIds with a defined OrderId property.

DECLARE @OrderIdsAsJSON VARCHAR(MAX) = '{"OrderId":["4", "5", "6"]}';

SELECT [value] AS OrderId
FROM OPENJSON(@OrderIdsAsJSON, '$.OrderId')
       [value] BIGINT '$'

Update: 2019-07-17

Adding another example for a JSON array that came from an Int list in C#. This is how you could query it in SQL Server.

DECLARE @OrderIds VARCHAR(MAX) = '{"$type":"System.Int64[], mscorlib","$values":[4, 5, 7, 999]}';

SELECT [value] AS OrderId
FROM OPENJSON(@OrderIds, '$."$values"');

#SqlServer #Scripts #Database #JSON

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